

(Click Here to see a video to understand Dot Money)

  1. Make a non-tax deductible donation through our crowd funding platform to receive special promotional products, invitations and other rewards click here.
  2. To make donations via Bitcoin Coin click here.
  3. Purchase products from our store, including the Dot Money books, t-shirts and other items and encourage others to do the same by clicking here.
  4. Volunteer to assist and also see our paid jobs. Dot Money has a unique way for volunteers to receive pay if the project successfully launches.  It’s called From Volunteer to Pay (FVP). To find out more please visit the jobs website at the Global Currency Reserver (GCR) which is the administrator for Dot Money by clicking here.
  5. For more information about Dot Money and the Global Currency Reserve (GCR) please watch DotMoney.TV in your language of choice by clicking here.
  6. Don’t be shy! Spread the word about Dot Money and express your support to your friends, community, businesses and governments! Word of mouth is the most powerful method to help get things accomplished.

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